* Please think twice if you want to burst instead of throwing away and not buy next time
* If you still want to burst, make sure you don't cause trouble to neighbors, pedestrians and traffic
* Don't burst high decibel, high sounding crackers to cause panic to sick & elderly
* DON'T BURST CRACKERS FROM 10PM to 6AM - it is illegal as per Supreme Court orders
Hope you will be a responsible and morally good citizen of India. Please share this message with everyone you know. Let us stop Child Labour, Let us stop polluting, Let us leave behind a better Earth for our Children.
very gud n previling issue u ve taken kin,,,,but i wnt 2 add smthing dat all dese children r only indulge in dese types of jobs to earn livelihood of dere family,,as dey ppl ve large no. of family members d main aim of them is to earn money d hazards,,,of making cracker n all other things does'nt matter 2 them,,so first of all 2 prevent dis we should spread awareness 2 dere family members abut d imprtance of family planning,,,education n other ways 2 earn money,,,
ReplyDeleten 1 thing mre yeah u r ri8 we should avoid 2 burn crackers as dey may b harmful,,,n also causing pollution,,,but as crackers r d wayZ to celebrate,,,so instead of using old traditioned bombZ n other crackers which realeases dangerous,,gases n chemical we can use eco-friendly crackers nw a dayZ dey r vry popular in indian market as dey produce low noise n air pollution,,,so dey r providing dual purpose by using them v cn also celebrate without disturbing others who r ill or in nyother trouble n dey r also ecofriendly so cause less pollution ,,
at last i want 2 say dat all d three posts r really vry gud n dey make one to think on them so by taking diffrnt opinions v cn reach d conclusion n spread awareness about dese type of issues.keep adding ,,,n sharing such topics
thks PAL, you are absolutely right at ur way, and u know wht, u jst gave me anothr topic for my blog, it is..Family planning and our education system. i will search abut that and whn i wil be prity sure thn add on hre, so thks again to tell me the creative and usual important topic for me, my blog, and also not for indians instead all people of the world......i wil add it soon...!@!
ReplyDeleteand thks for appreciate, im happy to see you tht u liked my this post.. God bless you and hav a safe and happy dewali to you and ur famliy.
I really like your post...its apt. Wish you the same :)
ReplyDelete@thks Neeta, hav a gre8 day and safe diwali to you and ur family.